Daily Bible Reflections
for November 3, 2024

Dear Friend,

This Sunday, remember that you are hidden in His heart.

Praying for you,

Bo Sanchez



 Even if He Smells
“The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:31

His smell would reach the stage even if he sat at the back of the cinema where I preach. I would know when he arrives because I’d smell his familiar odor. 

His name was Lolo Francisco, a beggar who attends our prayer meeting. He rarely took a bath as he was very poor. He enjoyed our gathering, and he was always welcome—bathed or not. Attendees love and hug him.

One time, we had lunch in a fast-food restaurant. He told me he was a folk dancer in his younger days. Without warning, he stood up in the middle of the restaurant full of people and danced with gusto! I was all smiles. He still had it!

One Sunday, I learned he was found cold and lifeless in his shanty. I cried. I led the congregation to pray for his soul to rest in peace. From the stage, we smelled that familiar odor of Lolo Francisco. In our hearts, we knew he was present because we loved him, smelly and all. Boggs Burbos (boggsburbos@yahoo.com)


“I do not know how to love God except by loving the poor. I do not know how to serve God except by serving the poor.” (Dorothy Day)

Grant us the grace, Lord, to love the people who cannot repay us, especially the poor. Grant us resources so we can help them not just with a prayer, but with material support too.

St. Martin de Porres, religious, pray for us.

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 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading | Deuteronomy 6:2-6 

Sometimes the commands in the Old Testament seem to be lacking in love. This shows a growing shift in the Old Testament's understanding of a person’s relationship with God. If we look at the ancient expressions of religion, God is shown as vengeful and He seems to demand this and that from His followers. As He reveals Himself through the patriarchs and the prophets, His image mellows to a loving God who cares for His people. In Jesus, we see the fullness of this revelation. Let us pray for the grace to accept what Jesus has revealed to us. Let us live the truth and proclaim it to the world.                                                  

2 Moses spoke to the people, saying: "Fear the Lord, your God, and keep, throughout the days of your lives, all his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you, and thus have long life. 3 Hear then, Israel, and be careful to observe them, that you may grow and prosper the more, in keeping with the promise of the Lord, the God of your fathers, to give you a land flowing with milk and honey. 4 “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! 5 Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today.

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51

R: I love you, O Lord, my strength. 

2 I love you, O Lord, my strength, 3 O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. (R) My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold! 4 Praised be the Lord, I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies. (R) 47 The Lord lives! And blessed be my rock! Extolled be God my savior, 51 you who gave great victories to your king and showed kindness to your anointed. (R)

Second Reading | Hebrews 7:23-28 

Christ is the supreme high priest who offers the sacrifice of His life for all people, of all time. Though not a Levite, Jesus follows in their footsteps to fulfill the role of a priest. The present priesthood of the Church is a ministry rooted in Jesus' priesthood and draws from His passion and death as the sacrifice that is remembered and celebrated in the sacraments.  

23 Brothers and sisters: The levitical priests were many because they were prevented by death from remaining in office, 24 but Jesus, because he remains forever, has a priesthood that does not pass away. 25 Therefore, he is always able to save those who approach God through him, since he lives forever to make intercession for them. 26 It was fitting that we should have such a high priest: holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, higher than the heavens. 27 He has no need, as did the high priests, to offer sacrifice day after day, first for his own sins and then for those of the people; he did that once for all when he offered himself. 28 For the law appoints men subject toweakness to be high priests, but the word of the oath, which was taken after the law, appoints a son, who has been made perfect forever. 

Gospel | Mark 12:28-34

Jesus and the scribe agree that love is at the heart of our relationship with God and others. We must strive to bring love to our relationships, even to those we consider our enemies. We can heal broken relationships if there is enough love to overcome the differences and hurts of the past. Let us pray for the grace to take the first step in mending our broken relationships.

Gospel Acclamation

Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord; and my Father will love him and we will come to him.

28 One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him, “Which is the first of all the commandments?” 29 Jesus replied, *“The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! 30 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.* There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You are right in saying, ‘He is One and there is no other than he.’ 33 And ‘to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself ’ is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 And when Jesus saw that he answered with understanding, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And no one dared to ask him any more questions. 


In your love relationships with God, neighbor, and self, where are you strongest? Where are you weakest? Why?

 Read the Bible in one year! Read MICAH 1 - 3 today.

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 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

All Mine to Give to God

Today’s Gospel shows Jesus being confronted with the question of what is the greatest commandment. His response revealed only one law, which may be expressed through all the others: God must be loved fully, with our whole person. If we do, we cannot but fulfill all other commandments. In other words, all commandments are in the context of and with the ultimate goal of loving God.

The First Reading from the Book of Deuteronomy traces back the origin of the commandments. The Israelites were instructed to make sure that they and their children knew, understood, and lived out the commandments. Obedience to those laws would merit them prosperity and even long life. The laws were God’s way of gracing His people with His presence and providence. Loving God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength means giving yourself fully to Him.

St. Ignatius of Loyola must have understood and seen through this commandment. Human beings always cling to the idea that they must leave something to themselves. Total self-giving is nearly, if not, an impossible command to achieve. Yet, there lies our salvation, the very essence of our being His disciple, and our meaning and purpose in life. Thus, Saint Ignatius uttered: “Take and receive, Lord, all my liberty, all my memory, all my understanding, and my entire will; whatever I have or hold, I have received from your hand.” Saint Ignatius came to know and accept the fact that only in fully giving oneself to God can one find himself and achieve his meaning and purpose. Exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39).

God does not want to literally rip us off of what we have, but He wanted us to use them according to His will. We are not free to use them at will. We are mere stewards of everything He has given us. We are responsible and accountable to their rightful owner: God. Fr. Benny Tuazon

Reflection Question:

How much of your life are you willing to offer for God?

Thank You, Lord, for everything. Pour Your grace unto me so I may use them all for Your glory. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ________________________________

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