Daily Bible Reflections
for November 15, 2007

Dear Friend,

Be blessed by His Creative Word this Thursday!

Praying for you,

Bo Sanchez




[Wisdom] ... sees everything. – Wisdom 7:23

I’ve seen this movies a hundred times. I warn myself that a tear-jerking scene is coming up hoping to preempt the inevitable weeping. The scene comes and I fail, sobbing with resignation into my pillow.

I like watching movies like these over and over again. I hear lines that I didn’t catch the first time or I see subtleties in the acting or cinematography that make me appreciate the movie more. Strangely, however, the biggest reason why I like re-watching movies is I find it comforting to watch a story unfold when I

already know how it ends. I don’t get chest pains from extreme anticipation; I don’t shield my eyes or cringe during uncomfortable scenes because I already know what to expect.

Having the gift of wisdom is like knowing how the movie ends. Just like everyone else, you go through the giddy and heartbreaking moments of life, but unlike the unwise, you are deeply calm because you know that God is in charge. And when He is in control, there can be only one kind of ending: A happy one. Anne dG.


Are you looking forward to heaven?

Lord, grant me the wisdom to know that You are in control. 

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Wisdom 7:22-8:1

Wisdom is often characterized as the eternal feminine. In it we can see something of the feminine side of God. God does have a maternal as well as a paternal care for Creation and so we see it expressed in the vision of Divine Wisdom. I think we also see here that wisdom has a multitude of sources as we discover it in a practical sense, and that there is sometimes a wisdom to be found in one of the sexes that is not found so easily in the other.

22 In Wisdom, is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, not baneful, loving the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, 23 kindly, firm, secure, tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing, and pervading all spirits, though they be intelligent, pure and very subtle. 24 For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and she penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity. 25 For she is an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nought that is sullied enters into her. 26 For she is the refulgence of eternal light, the spotless mirror of the power of God, the image of his goodness. 27 And she, who is one, can do all things, and renews everything while herself perduring; and passing into holy souls from age to age, she produces friends of God and prophets. 28 For there is nought God loves, be it not one who dwells with Wisdom. 29 For she is fairer than the sun and surpasses every constellation of the stars. Compared to light, she takes precedence; 30 for that, indeed, night supplants, but wickedness prevails not over Wisdom. 8: 1 Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily and governs all things well.


Psalm 119:89, 90, 91, 130, 135, 175

R: Your word is forever, O Lord.

89 Your word, O LORD, endures forever; it is firm as the heavens. (R) 90 Through all generations your truth endures; you have established the earth, and it stands firm. (R) 91 According to your ordinances they still stand firm all things serve you. (R) 130 The revelation of your words sheds light, giving understanding to the simple. (R) 135 Let your countenance shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes. (R) 175 Let my soul live to praise you, and may your ordinances help me. (R)


Luke 17:20-25

When Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is among us, He is speaking the literal truth, as He is the Kingdom of God. In His person He is the witness to the truth of His words. If we want to discover the Kingdom of God, it will always be wherever Jesus is! If we want to ensure we are never too far from the Kingdom then all we have to do is ask ourselves what Jesus would do in our situation and then do it!

20 Asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus said in reply,“The coming of the kingdom of God cannot be observed, 21 and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’ For behold, the kingdom of God is among you.” 22 Then he said to his disciples, “The days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23 There will be those who will say to you, ‘Look, there he is,’ or ‘Look, here he is.’ Do not go off, do not run in pursuit. 24 For just as lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. 25 But first he must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.”

my reflections

think: If we want to discover the Kingdom of God, it will always be wherever Jesus is!


God’s special verse/thought for me today________________



Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________



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It is interesting to note that while the Church – after a long period of persecution – converted the pagan ways of the Roman empire, the organizational structures of the Roman empire, on the other hand, became the basis of the Church’s expanding organization. Terms we use today – like “provinces” and “regions” of religious congregations, and “dioceses”– are imports from the Roman empire’s organizational vocabulary. All these terms signify the landbased boundaries that are under the competence of specific superiors and bishops.

Not all organizational structures of the Church are, however, landbased in boundaries. The Military Ordinarate” under its bishop, for example, has jurisdiction over military personel wherever they are… scattered in the various camps of the country. The “Opus Dei” is considered a personal prelature, and its members all over the world are under a superior-bishop who reports to the Pope. Among us, we have transparochial renewal groups whose memberships crisscross parish and diocesan boundaries.

Our Gospel reading tells us a bit about God’s Kingdom. The reading underlines that, for one, God’s Kingdom has no territorial limits. It is a spiritual reality – and it exists in every heart and life that surrenders and submits to God’s power and greatness. It is hard to announce, because it is the product of two “yeses”… God’s unconditional “Yes” for someone, and that someone’s humble “yes” to God. Only the person concerned knows and feels it, for it is he or she who has opened the door of his or her heart and life to God. Fr. Domie, SSP

REFLECTION QUESTION: What instances and circumstances in life make you feel that you are close to God… and that God is indeed close to you?

I open my heart today, Lord, for all You want.

St. Zachary, priest, pray for us. 

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